students face the first year of formal education with a zest for learning which is nurtured and valued throughout the school year. It is here that good study habits are rooted and a love for learning blossoms. Learning is very interactive with the teacher and teacher assistant bridging gaps among subject areas, using differentiated curriculum strategies, project-based leaning and thematic approaches.
Much of the classroom learning is clustered around the four core subjects of Reading, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies and is taught through the use of learning centers. This enables students to experience learning at their distinct academic level. Students are motivated by the use of themes and projects which are based on the interests of the students. Technology is introduced as a resource for learning, using iPad apps, SMART boards and laptops for active learning at the appropriate academic skill level of each student.
Instruction is not limited to the Kindergarten classroom. Students attend classes in Spanish, Technology, Research Skills, Physical Education, Music and Art, as well as Chapel Service. Each class is presented by a teacher who is an expert in that area and follows a unique curriculum designed to meet the needs of the Good Shepherd students.
Regardless of the subject area, the goal of the Kindergarten classroom and resource teachers is to promote higher-order thinking and problem solving at a developmentally appropriate level. The students’ confidence level is built on their actual abilities and achievement is related to effort and traits; such as, persistence, attitude and consideration.
The Kindergarten year is one of encouragement, planting seeds of behaviors conducive to optimum learning and strengthening basic academic skills, while allowing students that meet skill level expectations to soar ahead. In all schools this is the most diverse skill level of any grade. These students need a special person to inspire learning and guide them forward…and at Good Shepherd you will find just that!